You took your health to another level with OXYMAX and this new year is bringing us more exciting levels of wellness with a culture turning toward holistic health! |
There’s a turn toward being mindful, instead of mindless.
We were mindlessly scrolling through our technology and landing up on pages we didn’t expect.
We would make ourselves and lives so busy that we didn’t have time to always eat or even eat the right things.
Now, we’ve learned we need to be more purposeful with our time spent on tech and set time limits for ourselves as well as our children.
We need to be more mindful when it comes to meal planning or at least choosing the right types of foods for us.
You’re going to notice a huge wellness trend in 2018 with veganism.
We are becoming more empathetic and choosing to eat more plants. If may be for ethical reasons or for health reasons, but you know it’s good.
If you’re still eating animals, (there’s no one diet for every person) then you’re going to be more aware of the quality of life that animal had, opting for more organic and hormone free produce. Otherwise, you may just choose to eat meat less often.
Other trends are towards superfoods and antioxidants.
We are becoming excited about the benefits of optimal nutrition and how that helps to keep us well and vitalistic.
This is where OXYMAX comes into play. The carefully created liquid antioxidant formula is locally made where I reside in Victoria, among the most incredible natural surroundings. It remains true to the philosophy of consuming naturally and living naturally. |
The 2018 wellness trend is turning towards spending more time in nature by moving away from bodybuilding gyms and moving into community created movement studios offering stretch and body weight type classes, that are not one on one but more group oriented.
You see, as a certified Food, Lifestyle and Wellness Coach, my training allows me to help you stay well by not only setting goals, but creating a support network to help you stay on path. Group healing, group classes, and a consciously connected community is where you will stay on your wellness journey.
So stay connected with us here, or on Health & Wellness Coaching Australia | Wellness Coach Australia and continue to be inspired about wellness so that you feel supported.
Set your 2018 intentions now and publish them somewhere it can be seen so that you can manifest it, and having it displayed will be a reminder for you.
Remember, take a capful of your ionically activated water with the 84 trace minerals by adding a capful of Oxymax into your green juice or smoothie and allow your body to combat the oxidative stress process and allow rejuvenation of cells to defy the ageing process.

It’s not just what you put into your body, but also what comes out. Digestion is key, and OXYMAX may help you improve yours by allowing your brain to feel more satiated with the micro nutrition. This may help your digestion.
OXYMAX is a holistic blend for a holistic approach to your health and wellness.
In Optimal Health,
Andi Lew